Student Services

Student Services

Student Support Staff and Counsellors

Blue Lotus College Student Support Officers are here to help with individual learning needs, referring to qualified counselors where necessary.

The following support is also available to learners:

Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Support

If deemed necessary at the application stage, a meeting can be arranged to discuss assistance available to the Learner and create an action plan to address the student’s LLN needs.

Additional Training and Tutorials

Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure a successful outcome for students. If they are seen to be beneficial to a Learner’s progress, additional training and tutorials can be negotiated.

Digital Literacy Support

BLC employs full-time digital support staff to help students in need of extra Information and Communications Technology (ICT) support.

Any Learner in need of such assistance should contact their trainer or a Student Support Officer in the first instance.

Support Staff Details:

  • Student Support: Courtney Cook
  • IT Support: Dipesh Maharjan
  • LLN Support: Suresh Shrestha
  • MYOB & Xero Support: Sami Byanju
  • Library support: Receptionist

Support Services phone numbers

  • Community Connections: 1300 361 680
  • Domestic Violence Centres 24 Hour HOTLINE: 1800 015 188
  • Lifeline (counselling, mental health, suicide prevention): 13 11 14
  • Primary Mental Health Team: 5564 6000
  • Nurse on call: 1300 60 60 24

Student Welfare & Support Services

“Students are better prepared for learning when they are healthy, safe, and happy. Therefore, student welfare is the responsibility of all staff working for BLC. Learning cannot be separated from welfare”.

BLC is committed to supporting the individual development of all our Learners to help them reach their full potential. Because we understand that sometimes they will encounter a study, work, or social issues, we believe that a holistic approach to a student’s well-being is critical to their success.

Our Trainers and Assessors are here to support you, giving you the opportunity to discuss your concerns confidentially. While they are not qualified counselors, they have been given training and up-to-date information on relevant and appropriate referral support services in the local Melbourne area and should be your first point of contact if you need help.

BLC can assist you with:

  • Personal issues
  • Study-related concerns
  • Financial problems
  • Career pathway options
  • Occupational Health and Safety legislation
  • Equal Employment Opportunity legislation
  • Harassment and Bullying legislation
  • Industrial Relations legislation
  • Disability support services referrals
  • Indigenous support services referrals
  • How to access Job Services Australia

Relevant legislation

There is a range of laws that may be useful for staff and students. Information on these can be found at the following websites:

Occupational Health & Safety

Integral in understanding a safe working environment and injury prevention. Both workers and the general public should be fully informed about health and safety risks. Anyone who manages potential sources of danger is responsible for eliminating them. Where they can’t be eliminated, risks should be reduced as far as is reasonably practicable.

Equal Opportunity

Helping people address and resolve issues regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, and racial or religious vilification. The Human Rights Commission offers a free and impartial, confidential complaint resolution service, with the aim of achieving mutual agreement between parties.


Established to guide Learners through the vocational learning systems, on programs such as diploma, TAFE, and short courses. The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is also established as a government agency charged with the overall responsibility of coordinating, regulating, financing, providing, and promoting vocational education and training.

Work Cover

The Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) is the manager of Victoria’s workplace safety system. Broadly, the organization’s responsibilities are to:

  • help avoid workplace injuries occurring
  • enforce Victoria’s occupational health and safety laws
  • provide reasonably-priced insurance for employers
  • help injured workers back into the workforce
  • manage the workers’ compensation scheme by ensuring the prompt delivery of appropriate services and adopting prudent financial practices


Provides guidance about the way personal information is collected, protected, and handled by employers and other bodies that gather this information. Their pillars are Collection, Use & Disclosure, Data Quality, Data Security, Openness, Access & Correction, Identifiers, Anonymity, Transporter Data Flow & Sensitive Information.